About Us

We are a national coalition of various regional and sectoral free software movements operating in different parts of India. The founding conference of was held at Bengaluru on March 20-21, 2010 which marked a historic development in Free Software Movement in India. Second National conference was held in Chennai from 26th- 29th January, 2017. Sixteen Free Software Movements (FSMs) working in various states and sectors came together and decided to form a National coalition of FSMs in this Four-day National conference.

Some of the major aims of FSMI are :

  • Take forward free software and its ideological implications to all corners of our nation from the developed domains to the underprivileged
  • Creating awareness among computer users in the use of free software
  • Work towards usage of free software in all streams of sciences and research
  • Take forward implementation and usage of free software in school education, academics and higher education
  • Work towards e-literacy and bridging digital divide based on free software and mobilising the underprivileged
  • Work among developers on solutions catering to societal & national requirements
  • Work towards a policy change favouring free software in all walks of life
  • Stop any penetration of software patents and methods which restrict the development, usage and percolation of knowledge



Prabir Purkayastha


[email protected]


Kiran Chandra

General Secretary

[email protected]
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